2010年12月1日 星期三



→ 堅持使用原先的API,對於集合和正則運算式的新API 視而不見。
→ 無效的假設,以為最直接的解決方案就是最好的解決方案。

2010年11月29日 星期一









2010年11月25日 星期四

TDD 與 non-TDD 之間的差別

If you compare the TDD version of the code to the non-TDD version, you'll see that the TDD one has much more code, but in lots of really small methods.

In six months, when it comes time to alter this code , you can make changes with confidence.
The method names in TDD code describe an atomic operation, so when a test fails, you understand what you've broken more quickly.
methods 的命名就已經描述了這個動作(atomic operation),所以當測試失敗時,你很快就能知道發生什麼事了。

If something breaks, you will know within a few lines of code what's wrong.
儘量讓 method 小而簡單,可以增加程式的可讀性。

If you find yourself writing embedded comments within methods, your method should be more refined.
如果你的 method 裡有註解,那表示,你的 method 應該要重新設計了。

it's not really about testing, it's about getting the infrasturcture set up correctly

用一個簡單的小程式:尋找 perfect number ( 完美數) ,在寫 code 之前先寫它的第一個測試,
測試回傳的公因數里是否有 1,但,這個測試會不會太簡單了,有什麼用嗎?

@Test public void factors_for_1(){
int[] expected = new int[] {1};
Classifier c = new Classifier(1);
assertThat(c.getFactors(), is(expected));

How can this be a useful test ? It seems too simple. Really simple tests like this aren't really about testing, they are about getting the infrastructure set up correctly. I must have the test libraries on the classpath, I need a class named Classifier, and I must resolve all the package dependencies. That's a lot of work! Writing a stupidly simple test allows me to get all the structure established before I have to start thinking about testing the actual hard problems.

Once I get this to pass, should I keep it around? Yes! I call thes really simple test canary tests. ( 金絲雀對有毒氣體更加敏感。因此,通常作為煤礦危險信號的先知者) These very simple tests can tell you if something fundamental has broken.